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This is Trim’s only multisport adventure race and the testing route of circa 32km promises to be a brilliant introduction to multisport for novices and fast and furious for more seasoned campaigners.  The adventure race, launched Thursday April 5th,  with the Trim Salmon of Knowledge Festival, is limited to 200 participants and already at this early stage there are less than 100 spaces remaining. “This is a phenomenal response and we are delighted to be able to bring this type of adventure race to Trim with the backdrop of Trim Castle, and historic views along the River Boyne, our 2017 Event was a huge success and attracted attention from elite athletes, amateurs and Celebrity Adventures such as TV3’s  Deric Ó’hArtagáin, who rated the 2017 Event 10/10 in its first year ” said David Gorey PRO TTN while Michael Hughes ( Chairperson TTN ) added “This year we added a new venue for the quarry scramble to enhance the experience of the race, the quarry and lake feature is set against the backdrop of a historic country residence ( more to be revealed) while James Murray from Boyne Valley Activities & Vice Chairperson of TTN said “I am trilled with the response and really looking forward to our 2018 Event
The route comprises of 5 stages;
Stage 1. is a 4.5km trail run around the ‘Porche fields’ passing the Yellow Steeple out to Newtown, returning through the Sheep Gate before crossing back over the Boyne and into transition one.
Stage 2. is a 1km kayak on the river Boyne. Sit on top kayaks, paddles and buoyancy aids are provided. The first to arrive have the option of a limited number of single kayaks or they can pair up on tandem kayaks. You cannot use your own kayak and buoyancy aids are compulsory. This will be a rest for some, but for the fast and furious you will be out of the Kayak soon after and straight onto your bike.
Stage 3. is the first cycle section. The roads around county Meath have reasonably good quality surface, you could go head to head with your competitor at this section.
Stage 4. is the quarry scramble. After racking the bike it’s back running, our new quarry has impressive features, lakes, hills, hallows and a surprise or two awaits you to add that extra little bit to your adventure race challenge.
Stage 5. is the final cycle back to Trim to the finish line at Trim Castle to the start of the Trim Salmon of Knowledge Festival & Race Around Ireland
To register visit the following link and keep updated on the Boyne Adventure Race Facebook Page.
Full route map will be available soon on our website www.stayintrim.ie