


Like the thousands before you, you have tried this Adventure Racing lark and you caught the bug. Only thing is now you want to up the ante and move to the middle distance but haven't a clue where to start! well...read on! We constantly get questions about the different aspects of adventure racing and one of [...]

By |2019-09-27T20:57:02+01:00August 13th, 2018|Categories: Cycling, Kayaking, Tips & Tricks, Training|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Kayaking for Adventure Racers – Getting On-board by Mike Jones

Getting on-board This is the first in a series of blogs to help build your confidence and skills around the one bit of the race you probably haven’t trained for! That’s OK though I am sure you have been kayaking before on a school tour or on a summer camp and you ran across the boats [...]

So what is next on your race calendar?

About know, if you were one of the lucky 3000 plus competitors who took part over the weekend in either Quest Glendalough or Shore2Summit, you are probably already beginning to plot your next outing. Check out our new and improved event guide for the coming year and get planning... http://www.kayathlon.ie/events Also stay tuned as we will [...]

Conquer Heavy Leg Syndrome

For anyone who has ever gotten the heavy legs after transitions, you know it can be very frustrating. But there are ways & tricks to get around it. Before I tell you those, lets get to understand why exactly it happens. Reason 1: When cycling, the blood is mainly directed up into the quads in [...]

Introducing Mike Jones, Our New Blogger

Introducing Mike Jones Adventurer, Our New Blogger. I mentioned a while back that our blog would soon be joined by a man who frankly encapsulates the adventurous spirit. If you were to ask anyone who knows Mike, of his whereabouts, they would point you in the direction of the water, a mountain or something that involves [...]

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