Moxie Adventure Race
July 7, 2018 @ 8:00 am
| Eur40 – Eur70What is the Moxie Adventure Race?
Moxie Adventure Race is an adventure race which takes place in the garden of Ireland. Within 45 minutes of Dublin city and based in Lacken with Blessington Lakes as its backdrop, Moxie has something for everyone.
The Start And Finish Will Be At Our New Location In Lacken, For Those Who Have Taken Part Before This Is Where The Bike/Hill Run Transition Is Located.
We Have 4 Routes:
- Mini Moxie – 25Km
- Moxie – 36Km
- Moxie Pro – 54Km
- Moxie Duathlon – 34Km – For Those Who Don’t Want To Get Their Feet Wet
When – Where – How Much?
This years race will be based in our new location in Lacken. For those having taken part before this is where the Bike/Hill run transition is located.
- The Race Takes Place On 7th July
- The Price for Mini Moxie, Moxie And Moxie Pro is €70
- The Price for Moxie Duathlon is €60
- The Price For The Junior (Under 16) Category Of The Moxie Is €40
Stage 1. RUN 1Km
Short run around our new base in Lacken.
Stage 2. Hill Run 2km
Following the marshalled route onto Black hill(Kilbeg) it’s a taste of hill running, (Trail Runners Essential – See your mandatory kit). There’s a slight pinch from the start until It levels out on the heather covered hill side where you will be running alongside Ballynastockan Brook. It’s only a short, challenging but rewarding climb before you turn back down the hill with views over the lake and your start point while jogging towards the kayak transition.
Stage 3. Kayak 2Km
It’s onto the historically steeped Blessington Lakes (famous for its story telling of big fish and bigger ghosts) Just a short paddle parallel to the shore before heading to the cycle transition. You can bring your own kayak if you have one or use one of our double sit on tops. If you are new to kayaking, perhaps our “Toe in The Water” special, closer the day will help you get a feel for kayak paddling. Please keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook social media page for dates.
Stage 4. CYCLE 20km
Sealed roads all the way. You will see beautiful views overlooking the Blessington lake on your left-hand side, (On the way out) one steep climb on the way from the base to Lacken community centre. Then some minor rises and some lovely down hills towards Manor Kilbride (Check point) where you will turn and cycle back the way you came, this time with the lake on your right. On your way back you will be overlooking the length of Blessington lake. As you pass Lacken Community Centre on your left its downhill getting a breather before the last push to the finish back at base.
Stage 1. RUN 1Km
Short run around our new base in Lacken.
Stage 2. Hill Run 8km
Following the marked route up Black hill (Kilbeg). The footing is uneven and trail shoes are a must. The climb in total is approx. 290 meters before it levels out. At this point you will take in the scenic view overlooking Blessington lake. On the route across Black hill(Kilbeg) you will pass the WW2 airplane crash site before heading down hill towards before going under the bridge and on to the beach for the run to the kayak transition.
Stage 3. Kayak 2Km
It’s onto the historically steeped Blessington Lakes (a man made reservoir supplying Dublin with water and electricity, which was flooded in 1937.) This short kayak session will give your legs a breather and freshen you up before heading to the cycle transition. Remember, you can bring your own kayak if you have one. If not, you can use on of our double sit on tops. If you are new to kayaking, perhaps “Toe in The Water” special closer the day will help you get a feel for kayak paddling. Please keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook social media page for dates.
Stage 4. CYCLE 25km
It’s on your bike for the cycle stage. All sealed roads make the journey more enjoyable.
Heading towards Blessington and turning across the bridge at the Rowing club. There’s one pinch at the start of the cycle until you reach Lacken Community Centre then the journey has more gradual rises and falls until you reach Blessington. Along the way on your left you will take in scenic views of Blessington lake. In Blessington you will meet marshals with dibbers at a checkpoint, just before you join the main street. From there its down the N81 to the Vallymount turn off. From there the cycle takes you along the outskirts of the lake passing through Valleymount, turning for Ballynockan and on to the finish back at base in Lacken.
Stage 1. RUN 1Km
Short run around our new base in Lacken.
Stage 2. Hill Run 14km
Following the marked route up Black hill (Kilbeg) to the top. The footing is uneven and trail shoes are a must. The climb in total is approx. 390 meters. At this point you will take in the scenic view overlooking Blessington lake. On your way downhill descending, heading for Sorrel hill with a climb of 140 meters to the top. From there you descend again this time to the lake shore passing the Lacken Community Centre, which give some respite before the run along the energy sapping sand on the beach back to the kayak transition.
Stage 3. Kayak 2Km
It’s onto the historically steeped Blessington Lakes (only flooded since 1937. The ruins of the old buildings are still visible when the water levels drop.) This lovely kayak session will give your legs a breather and freshen you up before heading to the cycle transition. Remember, you can bring your own kayak if you have one. If not, you can use one of our double site on tops. Closer to the race day we will be running our “Toe in The Water” special days designed to help you get a feel for kayak paddling. Keep your eyes on our Facebook page for dates.
Stage 4. CYCLE 37km
The cycle heads towards Manor Kilbride from the transition. There’s a pinch in the first 2km. Passing Lacken Community Centre you will face more undulating rises and falls from here. You will not be turning across at the Rowing club but will complete the journey towards Manor Kilbride where you will be directed by marshals towards Blessington, via the famous 14th century ruins of three castles. You will come to a checkpoint station just before you join main street in Blessington where you will be required by marshals to stop and dibb. From there its down the N81 to the Vallymount turn off. From there the cycle takes you along the outskirts of the lake passing through Vallymount, turning for Ballynockan and on to the finish back at base in Lacken.
Stage 1. RUN 1Km
Short run around our new base in Lacken.
Stage 2. Hill Run 8km
Following the marked route up Black hill (Kilbeg). The footing is uneven and trail shoes are a must(please check your mandatory kit). The climb in total is approx. 290 meters before it levels out. At this point you will take in scenic views overlooking Blessington lake. On the route across Black hill(Kilbeg) you will pass the WW2 airplane crash site before heading down hill towards beach before the jog to cycle transition.
Stage 3. CYCLE 25km
It’s on your bike for the cycle stage. All sealed roads make the journey more enjoyable.
Heading towards Blessington and turning across the bridge at the Rowing club. There’s one pinch at the start of the cycle until you reach Lacken Community Centre then the journey has more gradual rises and falls until you reach Blessington. Along the way on your left you will take in scenic views of Blessington lake. In Blessington you will meet marshals with dibbers at a checkpoint, just before the main street. From there its down the N81 to the Vallymount turn off. From there the cycle takes you along the outskirts of the lake passing through Valleymount, turning for Ballynockan and on to the finish back at base in Lacken.
Race Information
1. The start times are finalised and they are as follows:
- 08:30 Moxie Pro
- 10:00 Moxie/Moxie Duathlon
- 11:30 Mini Moxie
The GPS co-ordinates to the start are: 53.122975, -6.474768
3. Allow 1 hour before your event for registration.
Bike Drop Is Beside The Start Line/Car Park. ( We have made this a simple logistical race, Our Aim TO Make It Easy As Possible For You)
=> You Can Leave Your Bike Shoes At The Bike Drop
4. Trail Shoes + Mandatory Kit A Must
5. For Anyone looking to train for the kayaking section of the Adventure Race:
We train each Tuesday night at 7pm in Russelstown Bay. GPS: 53.139783, -6.557088 Price €20pp.
Advance booking is necessary to ensure you have the correct gear/kayak available (Single/Double Sit On Tops). Early booking
is advised to avoid disappointment. Call Brian on 0878307214.
We have a selection of single sit in and double sit on tops for training.
If You Wish To Rent A Kayak On The Day, You Can Do So €20. We Advise Booking asap to avoid disappointment.
6. The Hill Run Sections Cross Private Land.
For This Reason, They Are Not Open For Practice. Please Take Note.
7. You may change your event details online.
Race Rules and Guidelines
- Once entered no refunds, transfers or credit can be offered for cancellations for the events.
- Mandatory Kit must be worn or carried as appropriate and as specified
- There are no road closures for the cycling routes competitors must follow the road traffic laws
- All competitors must follow the prescribed route
- Checkpoints must be visited in the correct order
- Obey the environmental policy. Any competitor found littering by race marshals or fellow competitors can be reported and disqualified
- Respect the local environment
- Assist any persons who are in difficulty and report it to closest race marshall
- The Race Director’s decision is final
- Competitors must be over 16yrs to take part in this event
- In the event of inclement weather the organisers have the right to alter the route on the day of the event
- No Bikes With Tri Bars Allowed
- Any Help/Support Given To Competitors Will Result In Immediate Disqualification
Environmental Rules and Guidelines
The course encompasses areas of special conservation, national park and environmental sensitive bog and woodland. It is the objective of all competitors to leave it the way they find it and ensure adventure racing is an environmentally sustainable sport.
We aim to minimize the impact the race has on residents and families in the proximity of the race route. We appreciate fully their cooperation in the running of the event.
It is of paramount importance that all competitors respect the following environmental policy:
- Competitors must keep to the defined route and do not take short cuts.
- Any competitors found littering will be automatically disqualified.
- Respect the environment.
What does the registration fee include:
– Customised finishers medal
– Customised event tec t-shirt
– Kayak rental
– Prizes in all categories
– A great atmosphere and a fun day out
– Fully marshalled course
Can I register on Sunday morning before the race?
No. Only those registered online will be allowed to take part in the race.
What are the race categories?
There are 4 race categories: Mini Moxie, Moxie Duathlon, Moxie, Moxie Pro
Which Category should I enter?
Enter the following category which best describes your fitness level:
Moxie Pro: Enter this category if you think you have a chance of winning the race or are an experienced adventure racer.
Moxie: Enter this category if you have some experience in adventure racing, triathlons and have a good overall level of fitness.
Moxie Duathlon: Enter this category if you are entering an adventure race for the first time, are involved in a sports club and you have a reasonable level of fitness. This event will only take in Cycling and Running routes. There will be no kayaking.
Mini Moxie: Enter this category if you are entering an adventure race for the first time, are involved in a sports club and you have a reasonable level of fitness.
When registering online be sure to select your category
What type bike should I use?
The choice of bike is an individual choice. 100% of the cycle route is on sealed country roads of varying quality. The most suitable bike would be a road bike and least suitable would be a Mountain Bike.
Do I need Specialised Gear:
Apart from the basics (bike, helmet, trail running shoes) you do not need any specialist equipment. We will provide you with a kayak, paddle and buoyancy aid.
Do I have to have any specialist map reading or mountain skill to compete in the race?
No. You will be provided with a map. The route is marked out with signs and race Marshalls will also be on hand along the route.
What is your refund policy?
When entering the event it is part of the terms and conditions that it is a non-refundable and non-transferable payment policy.
Is there any water available along the route?
You will be required to bring water with you on you for the duration of the race.
Who provides my Kayaks?
The event organisers will provide all kayaks, paddles and buoyancy aid. Competitors will be allowed to bring their own kayaks and need to be dropped off the night before the race 15th July from 7 to 11pm. We will have security on site.
How is the race timed?
Your race time and your progress through each stage is timed using a ‘dibber’ which is attached to your wrist.
How can I contact Moxie Adventure Race if I have any more questions?
Feel free to contact us with any questions by e-mail:brian@totalexperience.ie or call Brian 0878307214
Can I listen to my iPod during the race?
No. It is extremely dangerous to listen to music whilst cycling as the roads are not closed and are open to local traffic.
How much does it cost to enter?
As mentioned above:
Mini Moxie, Moxie, Moxie Pro €70
Moxie Duathlon €60
Moxie (Junior category under 16) €40.
Do I have to wait for my partner at the kayak section?
You can wait in the time out zone for maximum of 15 minutes. There will be other people in the kayak section who have no partner so you might have to kayak this section with them as your partner on the double sit on top kayaks.
Can I raise money for charity?
Yes. We encourage everybody to raise money for charity.
The charity we are supporting this year is Lacken community centre, the home of numerous community groups.
What Items are included in the mandatory kit?
It is vital that all competitors bring the following mandatory kit list with them from the start.
- Basic First Aid Kit (Min: 1 x Dressing Pad (field dressing), Bandage, Plasters
- Map of the route (included in your race pack)
- Survival blanket and whistle
- Appropriate food and drink.
- Cycle hat, bike repair kit, spare tube, pump
- Hat, gloves and waterproof jacket
- Suitable footwear – Trail Runners
- Backpack or bum bag
All kit will be checked on race day at registration