TEAR 12hr & 24hr Adventure Races
May 5, 2018 @ 12:00 am - May 6, 2018 @ 12:00 am
| Eur149Welcome To The Home Of The Tear Adventure Race
Tear 12 and 24 are 12 and 24 hour adventure races brought to you by Total experience. Disciplines include kayaking, mountain biking, trekking / hill running, orienteering and a ropes section.
Starts On Saturday 5th May 12am Finish 5th May 12pm
Teams will have mandatory check points to get with options of extra bonus points to collect if they can, Teams can choose their own routes. The team with the most points by the finish will win. Points will be deducted from any teams late to the finish.
The course will be made up of 3 stages. Mountain Biking, Kayaking and Trekking and a special stage. In previous years our special stage took the form of High Ropes, Archery and last years Pool Plunge. This years special stage will be….. well you will have to sign up to find out. The Adventure starts here.
Each stage is timed separately with points given for each control point visited. Competitors will restart each stage together. The earlier you finish a stage the more time to rest you have.
The typical distances covered by the winning team for each stage in the 12 hour race will be approx:
Mountain Biking 50km, Trekking 25km and Kayaking 15-20Km.
Entry Fees
12 Hour (per team) | €149.00 | |
Starts On Saturday 5th May 12am Finish 6th May 12am
Teams will have mandatory check points to get with options of extra bonus points to collect if they can, Teams can choose their own routes. The team with the most points by the finish will win. Points will be deducted from any teams late to the finish.
The course will be made up of 5 stages, with a sleep zone from 2-5am on May 6th. The stages will incorporate Mountain Biking, Kayaking and Trekking and a special stage. In previous years our special stage took the form of High Ropes, Archery and last years Pool Plunge. This years special stage will be….. well you will have to sign up to find out. The Adventure starts here.
Each stage is timed separately with points given for each control point visited. Competitors will restart each stage together. The earlier you finish a stage the more time to rest you have.
The typical distances covered by the winning team for each stage in the 24-hour race will be approx:
Mountain Biking 120km, Trekking 40km and Kayaking 15-20Km.
Entry Fees
24 Hour (per team) | €299.00 | |