We have all seen/heard of the recent rise in bike theft from homes, workplaces and more scarily out on your favorite routes. This has been largely put down to the bad guys becoming tech savvy and using the tools we use everyday training to follow our movements. Technology like Strava. Did you know, if you are not careful, they can track your every movement, where you live, where you cycle, follow patterns e.g. your Saturday spins etc… Well with a few quick adjustments to your privacy settings, you can help fend off this…

Step 1
Log into your Profile and click the settings icon in the top right of your screen.

Step 2

Scroll down and Click on Privacy Settings
Step 3:

Ok, so wee advise changing your Profile Page, Activities, and Group Activities so only your followers can view them. Also adjust FlyBys to No One.

Step 4: Privacy Zones
This is a 2 step process but will safe guard your exact starting location of each ride i.e. hiding your home location. You can adjust this from anywhere between 200m and 1km radius of your starting location. This is a great way to hide where your bike is kept and stored. You can add multiple locations so you can also e.g. set one up for where you work if cycle in and leave your bike unattended. For the example below, I live in Aras an Uachtarain in the Phoenix Park with wee Michael Dee.

Scroll down to Privacy Settings

Scroll down to Privacy ZonesClick Add a Privacy ZoneType your Address & Choose RadiusJob Done

And now for some shameless self-promotion, did you know Kayathlon has a group setup?
Why not swing over and join the rest of the gang… https://www.strava.com/clubs/Kayathlon