What a journey it has been! The final week has arrived – Week 8 – The Duathlon!

The Breakdown

  • 5km Run
  • 15km Cycle
  • 3km Run

Your Options

You have 2 options to complete the Duathlon

Option 1: Do all 3 activities as separate activities and upload/email times as normal.

Option 2 (No Cycle): No cycle but you get a completion time of 45min for the cycle.

Your 2 runs must be runs of 5km and 3km. Clocking a single 8km time will not be uploaded to our system.

The Rules

All 3 activities do NOT have to be completed one after the other. They can be spread out over the weekend.

Due to the amount of admin on this weekends activities, All entries must be posted by 21:00 GMT. Anything after will NOT be accepted.

All activities uploaded to Strava/Garmin etc… must be titled as follows or they will NOT be counted

  • Kayathlon virtual race series 5km run
  • Kayathlon virtual race series 15km cycle
  • Kayathlon virtual race series 3km run

If completing the cycle activity, it must be out on the road. If done on turbo trainer, it will not be counted towards your overall time, instead you will be given a cycle time of 45mins.

As ever, its the sole responsibility of the participant to stop the clock at the requisite distance. We will not be making any calculations but taking your times as uploaded provided they reach the required distance.

In the spirit of the competition and sportsmanship, we expect transparency and fairness i.e. Don’t do it all downhill. There must be an equal balance 🙂

You must adhere to Government Lockdown Restrictions. The judges decisions are final. As the cycle adds an extra element of inherent danger, we implore you to be extra vigilant and careful. This is NOT an insured event. By taking part, you and you alone are responsible for your own wellbeing and safety. Any injury, damage to property or theft is solely the responsibility of the participant. Kayathlon.ie will take no responsibility.

By taking part in the event, you take 100% agree to all of the above.

Uploading Times

As stated above, you have till Sunday 28th Mar 21:00 GMT to upload your times or they will NOT be counted

To upload, It couldn’t be simpler.

  1. Head over to Strava and join the Virtual Series Group.
  2. Provided your profile and activities are set to public they should populate within the Group activities tab.

If you wish your Strava profile to remain Private or you’re simply not on Strava. That’s not a problem, just email screengrabs of all your activities (in one email)  to info@kayathlon.ie. 

Best of luck and as ever, stay safe.