After a 3 year hiatus…it’s back! Quest Killarney. 2500 signed up. A full house. New routes. New Challenges. All the same fun. With only a handful of sleeps left, you should be starting to get your game plan together. Your strategy. Familiarizing yourself with the new lay outs is key.

Brand Spanking New Routes

5 routes to choose from. All different from previous years. None the same as before but never the less, just as tough. The biggest changes will come in to the Challenge & Sport distances with a new cycle. Instead of the usual cycle through the Gap of Dunloe and down through the Black Valley, you will head in the opposite direction from the Gleneagle Hotel, passed Torc carpark and up towards the Molls Gap looping back down to the aforementioned carpark. The first 7km is relatively flat then there is 14km of a drag before the turn back. We recceed this new route and it took all of 50 mins to the top and about 20 mins back down. Please note though, that although the road will be closed, That YOU MUST STAY LEFT!!!! Do NOT cross the line, for any circumstances, as there will be racers ascending at the rate knots and they will be powerless to avoid colliding into you if you do cross.

Sport Cycle route :

In the Challenge Route, the cycle follows the same direction but does not go all the way to the top before returning.

One of the other big changes comes to the run. Previously, The Sport, Duel and Pro distances, head up the Steps at the waterfall. Not this year, an alternative route has been put in place. A 10.5km loop of forestry heading to the its highest point of Barr Na Currane. Breath taking views.

In the Challenge, there are no cardiac steps, insted an alternative 5.5km loop of the forestry.

Reeegistrsation is on Friday in the Gleneagles between 4 and 10. And also pickup is available

Other Important Stuff

Wave Times
Another important thing to look out for are your wave times.  Check your times against the waves. Start times are staggered to ensure safety on the new routes

Registration/Pack Pick-up
Friday 30th September: 5pm to 9pm
Saturday 1st October: 7am to 10am

Mandatory Kit

  • Basic First Aid Kit (Min: 1 x Dressing Pad (field dressing)), Bandage, Plasters.
  • Map of the route (included in your race pack).
  • Survival blanket and whistle.
  • Appropriate food and drink. There will be limited water re-filling points on the course.
  • Cycle helmet, bike repair kit, spare tube, pump.
  • Hat, gloves and waterproof jacket.
  • Suitable footwear.
  • Backpack or bum bag.
  • All kit will be checked before the race.