Ask and you shall receive!

We often are asked about adventure racing abroad and creative alternatives to the standard triathlon.

So, we have been scouring the internet, Youtube and every other means at our disposals and have come back with an awesome event happening in Scotland on June 17th & 24th. It’s called “The Celtman! Extreme Full” and ” The Celtman! Solo Point Five” respectively. They are roughly Ironman full distance and as the 0.5 would suggest, half distance races, both twice the climbing.

What’s so special about these, that sets them apart from all other events out there you may ask.

The Challenge

They combine both the conventional triathlon and adventure race with a mix of swimming, long hilly cycles & mountain/trail running

The Extreme

  • Swim 3.4 in frigid Jellyfish invested water in Lough Shieldag. (Route map)
  • Cycle 200km(2200m vert) (Route map)
  • Run 42km(1600 vert over 2 Munros) (Route map)

In Scotland any mountain over 3000 ft (914.4 metres) is classed as a Munro. You will attempt two of these during the race on the Beinn Eighe range.

The Solo Point Five

  • Swim 2.2km in frigid Jellyfish invested water around Shieldag Island in Lough Shieldag. (Route map)
  • Cycle 92km(2271m vert) including the legendary ‘Bealach na Ba’ (Route map)
  • Trail/Mountain Run 23.7km (520m vert) (Route map)

The Location

It’s located in the Scottish Highlands, in the rugged but beautiful surroundings of Torridon, a 3 hour drive west of Inverness. This place is remote, raw and relentless. You will never get to see a place like this, without a race like this.


The Solo is unsupported. Which means, no crew, you must do it alone. Challenge accepted!

Race Entry

For the “Celtman! Extreme”, it’s a ballot to gain entry which is open between November 01-14th. And for the “Celtman! Solo Point Five”, anyone can enter but as this event gains momentum in the coming years, places will become more coveted. As mentioned above, 25 finishers of the solo race will have automatic choice of entry to the Extreme race in 2023.

The Celtman! Solo Point Five Film

Photos by Steve Ashworth & Photo: Alastair Penny