The big day beckons. You begin to zone in at the task on the horizon. You taper. You watch what you eat. You start to get more sleep. You make sure your kit is ready. You make sure nutrition is boxed off. Your bike gets a quick service. Your transport and accommodation is sorted. You have researched the race route. You are ready.

So the most common term used in the usual build up is “You”. But for those of us with big person responsibilities like significant others and kids, there is an invisible racer which needs to be factored in.

Without the help and support of our non racing partners, let’s face it, it would make for a pretty unsatisfactory day. Our husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, grandparents who pick up the slack whilst we are gallivanting around all Ireland has to offer, it just wouldn’t happen.

And this does not just apply to race weekends, but the endless training sessions, the night runs, the Sunday cycles and everything else in between.

In football terms, we often hear about the supporters being the extra man, well in adventure racing terms, that can often be the person who picks up the slack.

Now, if you are reading this and would fall under the “Invisible Racer category”, and I am speaking from my own experiences, especially on race days, when it starts to get to tough, hurt and I have to dig deep, I always think of how lucky I am to have someone, who will pick up the pieces for me while I’m out here. You help. You drive me on. Knowing that you have sacrificed your time, your life and energy so i could line up at the starting post. Amazing strength, both physical & physiological, can be summoned, when you know you are not alone. When someone has your back.

So don’t ever think it’s all about the guy in the dodgy tight racing kit, it’s not. It’s a team effort and we thank you…The Invisible Racer…