This Saturday marks the return of the Boyne Adventure Race for its 3rd instalment. With two distances, 35k Battle and 50k Warrior, to choose from this year, not to be cliché, there really is something for everyone. Don’t be fooled by the relatively flat ground surrounding Trim, Co. Meath, the race organizers have done a cracking job of mountain out of molehill, that being a good thing in adventure racing of course ?.

We were lucky enough to take part in both 2017 & 2018 with the offering then being just the 35k route so we’re really excited to see what the 50km route brings to the table. Whilst there is no Croagh Patrick or Mangerton-esque mountain looming out on the course, don’t be lulled into a false sense of ease.

For those of you thinking of dabbling your feet in adventure racing for the first time, that lack of daunting mountain should certainly be an attraction, coupled with the fact that there are a couple of transitions within sight of the start finish area, giving your supporters plenty of opportunity to give you that extra boost that is so very welcome when the going gets tough. This is a must do race for beginners.

For the more seasoned racers among us, don’t worry, you most certainly haven’t been forgotten about! If you come out of this race thinking it was easy, you weren’t pushing hard enough! The relatively flat, in AR terms anyway, course makes for some very fast paced action with no excuse but to leave it all out there!

There are still some places available in both distances so stop wondering should you and just sign up HERE, you will not be disappointed.

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any AR questions, queries stories you might have.