As we have all seen, a lot of our staple adventure races are getting cancelled or postponed to a later date due to the Corona virus. Are you left with that empty feeling? The longing for the challenge. The trails. The bike. The craic. The comradery. Even with the latest guidelines Leo & co have set out for us, we are still a little in the dark as to when full racing will return. We just don’t know for sure.

But Bernard Smyth and the Ultimate Conditioning Crew have been doing their own cut of the cancelled races with a spot of virtual racing. Last week they replicated the Avantcard Blueway Adventure Race  by setting out times as opposed to distances e.g. for the 7km run section, it was a 40 min run instead. And 60 mins instead of 25km bike. All this is done in an effort to keep everyone together and have a bit of a laugh whilst getting in a workout. How fast you go is your own business. The bike sessions are done on zoom/turbo trainer so Bernard will still keep you moving in case you begin to slack (although you can hit the road if you don’t have access to a turbo trainer for the predetermined amount of time). The run sections can be done on either treadmill, or outside (once you stay within government guidelines).

This weekend (Saturday 9th), they are taking on the race (originally meant for this weekend but has been postponed to August). Stage timelines will be laid out closer to the day but if this does interest you, why not pop over, say sent you ;)… link here

There will be no form guide needed here 🙂