The Iconic Yellow Jersey. The breath taking back drop of Dingle peninsula. Mount Eagle. Mount Brandon. Ventry Beach. Slea Head. Conors Pass. Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh. An after party and a Dolphin thrown in for good measure. All this and more. It’s what brings racers back year after year. That’s what we came across last year and more of the same this year please. A highlight on a lot of racers calendars. And rightly so.


Now in it’s 8th year, the sport course is still as challenging as ever, with only one change to note from previous years, the first transition (bike) area will be about 150 yards further up the hill from the Distillery.

The race will start in the town with a snappy 1k run to the kayaking section, which can be viewed across the bay. Due to gael force winds last year, the kayak had to be cancelled but with this amazing sunshine the country has been basking in, I can’t see it being an issue.
You should bring your sun block this year I think instead. After the kayak it’s up to the new transition area and onto the bike for 20k up and around Slea Head. Absolutely stunning coastline so take it in as much as you can before you turn off, up the hill towards Mount Eagle. There is a stiff uphill climb for about 1k so if youre feeling brave, try and battle it to the transition at the top.

The terrain is long winding gravelly/stoney pathway and will get marshier as you get closer to the top. The weather leading up to the race will have a major role here but forecasts would lead you to believe it will be a lot quicker than previous years. Once you reach the summit, take a moment to take in the whole of the Dingle Peninsula and beyond. You will then make your way back down the same route back to the bikes. The round trip is about 7.5k.

Then it’s back on the bike(11k) for a fast downhill section and back towards the town, dropping off the bike and a short 1k run to smiles, finish lines, medals, libations and craic. The award ceremony will be held in Danno’s Bar at 9pm.

Send us on your best race day pics and we will pick the best for next months issue.