Covid Race Restriction

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Quest Geo: 9 Locations – 2 Days

It's a couple of sleeps before race day. Usually by now, I would have game plan or something that resembles a game plan in place. The route would be checked, the vert calculated, the tough sections noted. But not this weekend. This weekend something new is on the horizon. Quest Geo. The Killarney crew, Elite [...]

By |2020-08-05T20:18:34+01:00August 5th, 2020|Categories: Event news|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Gaelforce Connemara 2020: Important Pre-race Information

We are days away from Gaelforce Connemara. The good folk at Gaelforce have been working hard trying to keep the event alive and within the parameters of the ever changing Covid 19 Government restrictions. So, we have put together a quick list of important points that every competitor needs to adhere by. Each of the [...]

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