Equipment Review

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Equipment Review – Headlamps

The evenings are getting darker, earlier...For some, that means moans and groans. For others that means woops and high 5's. For those who love trail running, the thought of not having to wait till the early hours to get some night trails in, is a mouth watering prospect. So last night, a group of like minded [...]

By |2017-08-27T11:55:45+01:00August 25th, 2017|Categories: Equipment|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Dave’s Equipment Review…Tyres

A question that continually pops up and will be argued until the end of time is: What tyres should I be using?? With so many influencing factors, from chatting to your mates to checking out what the competition are running at a recent race, it’s easy to see why this question pops up more than most. [...]

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