

GearReview: GoPro Hero 6

This time round I’m taking a look at the GoPro Hero 6 Black. As a Hero 4 Silver owner, the lack of waterproofing without the dive casing and resulting poor sound quality with the case on had me very intrigued with the Hero 5 & 6 which offered waterproofing straight out of the box, no [...]

By |2018-08-15T14:05:55+01:00August 10th, 2018|Categories: Equipment|Tags: , , |0 Comments Magazine – July Issue Now Available

Our July Issue is now available. Packed with race previews, Gaelforce West Ultra review, GoPro Hero 6 Review, Champion racer Moire O'Sullivan, and buckets more cool Adventure Racing stuff. Download your copy now! [download id="15307"] Or View it online We hope you enjoy it! Issue 3 - June 2018 You [...]

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