Moire OSullivan

Home/Tag:Moire OSullivan Magazine – July Issue Now Available

Our July Issue is now available. Packed with race previews, Gaelforce West Ultra review, GoPro Hero 6 Review, Champion racer Moire O'Sullivan, and buckets more cool Adventure Racing stuff. Download your copy now! [download id="15307"] Or View it online We hope you enjoy it! Issue 3 - June 2018 You [...]

Competitor Spotlight – Moire O’Sullivan

Author, mother, humanitarian & national racing champion. Moire O'Sullivan is literally top of her class. We were fortunate enough to shine the Competitor Spotlight on her. Hope you enjoy!!! What is your Name? Moire O’Sullivan Where are you from? Originally from Derry, but now live in Rostrevor, Co. Down. How old are you? 42 Occupation? [...]

By |2018-08-15T16:09:59+01:00July 1st, 2018|Categories: Spotlight|Tags: |0 Comments
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