Paul Kelly

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1st Time Multisport Adventure Racing by Paul Kelly

The Background For the past few years, I have been running road and trail, taking part in many race events from Derry & Dublin City Marathons to the Mourne Mountain Marathon. I am not exactly the type of person I would regard as an athlete, I have never won anything at any of these [...]

Competitor Spotlight – Bernard Smyth

This weeks Competitor Spotlight is about a man who has an awesome job. Part of this job is getting people in tip top shape for Adventure Racing. He is regularly seen bringing hordes of adventures to races. He is good at his job. He is not bad at racing either ;) I give you Bernard [...]

Competitor Spotlight – Paul Kelly – Racing to Make a Difference!

This weeks Competitor Spotlight is a little different than our usual spotlight. Paul Kelly, a relative newcomer to the Adventure Racing scene, took up running only 4 years and has come a long way since those first faithful steps. The work he is doing simply cannot go unnoticed. It's a subject that sadly is coming [...]

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