

Strava…There are changes on the horizon

Well all good things... For the avid Strava fans out there, you will probably have seen an email land in your inbox over the last 24 hours or so. There are changes afoot with what features those on the free subscription can use. You will no longer be able to use the compare segments section [...]

By |2020-05-19T11:04:09+01:00May 19th, 2020|Categories: Equipment, Training|Tags: |0 Comments

Go Virtual Adventure Racing!

As we have all seen, a lot of our staple adventure races are getting cancelled or postponed to a later date due to the Corona virus. Are you left with that empty feeling? The longing for the challenge. The trails. The bike. The craic. The comradery. Even with the latest guidelines Leo & co have [...]

How to Run Alone!

With all that is going on and races being cancelled/postponed left, right and center, all our best laid plans, training schedules have been thrown out the window...right? Well not necessarily... It's a strange title for a blog but it's something that may be a foreign concept to a lot of people out there. Like every [...]

By |2020-05-07T10:20:10+01:00March 20th, 2020|Categories: Running, Tips & Tricks, Training|Tags: , , |0 Comments


Like the thousands before you, you have tried this Adventure Racing lark and you caught the bug. Only thing is now you want to up the ante and move to the middle distance but haven't a clue where to start! on! We constantly get questions about the different aspects of adventure racing and one of [...]

By |2019-09-27T20:57:02+01:00August 13th, 2018|Categories: Cycling, Kayaking, Tips & Tricks, Training|Tags: , , |0 Comments

1st Time Multisport Adventure Racing by Paul Kelly

The Background For the past few years, I have been running road and trail, taking part in many race events from Derry & Dublin City Marathons to the Mourne Mountain Marathon. I am not exactly the type of person I would regard as an athlete, I have never won anything at any of these [...]

Half Marathon Mick – Earns His Stripes

Did Half-Marathon Mick become a true Half-Marathon veteran last weekend? Yes I did! After three months of gruelling training, 60 sweat-filled kilometers worth of races, and enough preand-post-race fry-ups, Weetabix, bananas, soups and sandwiches to fill the hungry belly of a sumo wrestler, I finally tore across the line and snatched up the all-important Half-Marathon [...]

Conquer Heavy Leg Syndrome

For anyone who has ever gotten the heavy legs after transitions, you know it can be very frustrating. But there are ways & tricks to get around it. Before I tell you those, lets get to understand why exactly it happens. Reason 1: When cycling, the blood is mainly directed up into the quads in [...]

The Importance Of…Listening To Your Body

Whilst training, it's sometimes easy to get carried away and think you're invincible. Do not get me wrong, it's so important as a self-motivator to be in the frame of mind that no hill is too steep or no distance too long...It's essential that we get in a positive frame of mind to maximize our [...]

Half Marathon Mick’s Training Diary – Week 2

Hi all, Half-Marathon Mick here. Week 2 of my training diary or log or whatever you might like to call it. The first of my races kick off this weekend with the Castleconnell 10K down in Limerick. I’ve clocked up several good long runs over the last week in preparation. The routes have consisted of [...]

Introducing Half Marathon Mick

Hi all, Half-Marathon Mick here with the first of hopefully many blog posts charting my leap into the world of competitive running. I nailed down long-distance running as a New Year’s Resolution back in the first fresh week of January. It’s so far so good as I’ve kept my feet off of the comfy couch and [...]

Cue the Montage Music

Was just getting ready last night for a run in the stormy weather, in preparation for Quest Glendalough on April 8th, I reached for my mp3 player and thought to myself what will I use tonight to help get me around...and I dug up this gem...The Rocky Soundtrack. What a classic. One, for me, that has [...]

Bad Weather…Storm Doris, is that all you have got?

I woke earlier than usual this morning. I could hear the gale flexing its muscle outside. #StormDoris was not in a very good mood. I hadn't planned on doing anything physical this morning as I have a couple of things on and was planning to get out later in the day. So I went back to the [...]

Hill Running in the City

I recently posted a blog called Conquer Your Everest which discussed the importance of trail/hill training in preparation for a race. A couple emails filtered through about having no access to hills and looking for an alternative. So in response, read on :)While having access to hills obviously is an advantage, its not essential. If you live [...]

5 Race Day Mistakes

So the big day has arrived and you are bursting the traps trying to get out and own that mountain...well take note of the following pointers to avoid disaster. Every athlete at some stage or another has fallen foul to a couple of matter what level they are at. Rest There is an old Irish [...]

Roll on the 2nd Day Aches…

Until late last summer, I would equally look forward and fear the 2nd day pains...You always knew that in order to get those pains, you have been doing something right. As the old wise ass in the dressing room would gleefully proclaim "Sure that's just weakness leaving the body". And to a point he would be [...]

Back to the Grind!

The winter break is over...and an extended one I might add. Bar two outings in early January, not a yard was covered since November 26th after RunTheLine 13Km moutain race ( A great race but at that stage I was finished after a grueling season. According to my Runkeeper app, I clocked up 98 sessions in 10 [...]

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